ONE WAY is enjoying numerous current media appearances. This is a certainty that the effort, continuous evolution and collaborations based on trust and professionalism are the key to succes of our cleaning company.
- Gazeta de Cluj (2020)
- Gazeta de Cluj (2019) – The article from Gazeta de Cluj (The Cluj Gazette) puts an emphasis on one of our assets: industrial cleaning services which are carried out for the shortest amount of time but are of the highest quality. Time is a very important resource for each of us, which is why the qualified staff shall carry out the activity in a relatively short amount of time, in a discreet and professional manner.
- Presa locală(local media) 2019 – Alongside us there is the local media, which has written a sincere and objective piece on why it is worth it to choose our services!
- Știri din Câmpia(News from Câmpia) 2019 – the news presented by the ,,Știri din Câmpia” team brings forward a grand project which is going to be materialized in the month of August of this year. The investment mentioned is a dry-cleaning and industrial cleaning service which can wash in just a single day up to 7 tons of dirty linen, thus becoming one of the largest dry-cleaning establishments in the county.
- Monitorul de Cluj2017 – An exclusive interview with Mariana Rădulescu, CEO, who has disclosed the beginnings of the business and that today it has a turnover of 40 times higher than in the first year of business. Priceless information on how she has seized the opportunity and exploited it and about a youthful enthusiasm of a rarely seen ambition.
- TVR Cluj2017 – The news has highlighted the types of services which we provide and an estimated price point for them. We desire to maintain transparency in regards to the prices of our services!
- NCN2009 – Audio and video news which professionally presents our line of business and the services provided. The most important information you need to know about the ONE-WAY Company is being condensed in just a few minutes.